All posts filed under: truffel tapenade


Superdeluxe truffelsalade met huisgemaakte tofu

Vandaag heb ik een heel lekker maar eenvoudig te maken recept voor je; mijn superdeluxe truffelsalade. Ik heb het gemaakt met een paar druppels truffelolie en een beetje truffel die ik op de markt vond. Een huisgemaakte paddenstoeltapenade (zie link) zou ook werken.

Side dish with cauliflower leaves and truffel tapenade

I have thrown away pure gold for many, many years but finally i see the light! I’m talking about the green leaves from the cauliflower. Crunchy, easy to spice up and almost for free. Have you been doing the same as I? Well, it is time to stop and actually start using this what we normally maybe would see as something for the green bin. Here is a nice recipe for a fast side dish to go with your meat, fish, omelet etc. And if you happen to get a left over, i have come up with a great quiche (gluten- and nut free) with smoked salmon as well. Two in one, great food on something that you normally maybe would throw away and no food waste. What else can you ask for today? Let’s get to work! Side dish for 4 persons (or 2 if you also like to make the quiche) Ingredients 4 tbs of real butter (don’t use coconut oil for this, it gives a fishy taste to it!) 10,5 oz/300 gr pointed cabbage …