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The easiest mayonnaise

Until a few years ago I was afraid of making mayonnaise. Afraid of that it again would separate and I would end up with a messy mix in the garbage. I tried everything. My arms where in great pain after beating the eggs for a long, long time. I was swearing silently to not push the eggs to separate due to the otherwise high tones (a tip from my mum ones…). I actually had given it up.
But! Thanks to internet and al great foodies out there, I have found the solution!

The trick is to keep all ingredients in the refrigerator, work with a hand blender and a high mixer bowl. They ingredients should al be cold. In other words, against everything you have ever learned from al french big chefs. Keep the oil, eggs, mosterd and lemon in the refrigerator until you are going to make the mayonnaise. Working with a hand blender won’t only save your poor arms but also give you a creamy mayonnaise within 3 minutes. Just remember using a high bowl and stay cool and you will be alright!

Let’s get to work!

1 egg + 1 egg yolk
200 ml/ 2 dl sunflower oil or very mild olive oil
2 tsp Dijon mosterd
A good pinch of salt (preferably Maldon)
The juice of 1 lemon

Plus flavoring if you like: a full hand of fresh basil/1 garlic clove/ saffron/ parsley/smoked pepper etc.
On the photo I have made one mayonnaise with basil and one with Pimenton Dulce, a sweet pepper powder (Tatli to biber) and a clove of garlic.

How do I do it?
1. Take out the ingredients from the refrigerator.
2. Add all ingredients in one time to high mixer bowl (including any of the flavoring mentioned above if you like).
3. Set your hand blender ready and place it in the bottom of your mixer bowl. Press the start button and holt the blender still in the bottom. Within a few seconds you will see that the egg and oil is coming together without you doing anything. Keep cool and continue keeping the hand blender still but going until you see the mayonnaise coming up on the sides of the bowl. Then start moving the mixer a bit up and down to be sure to get all oil, egg, spices and herbs combined.
4. Done! Taste the mayonnaise. Maybe you prefer more of lemon juice or salt? Add and mix with a spatula.
5. Pour up your mayonnaise in a suitable bowl and serve.
If you don’t finish everything in one time, the mayonnaise is good in the refrigerator for about 4 days.

(If your ingredients are not really cold enough, it still can happen that the egg and oil are separating. Don’t give it up or through it away! Just set the mixing bowl with the ingredients in the refrigerator for an hour. Start at step 3 and you will be all set!

Filed under: Geen categorie


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