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Lactose-free sauce with palm heart

You know those days when you are in the mood for something really tasty but don’t really want to work hard for it (eeeh, does it happen to you too?)?
Don’t look further, this is the solution!

Actually almost too simple to even write down but very tasty and with a fun main ingredient to use. Palm heart.
I have to be honest, i had only seen it in the survival docusoap Robinson Crusoe and then they had to dig it out themselves from the tree and ground. I made it a bit easier for myself, i wouldn’t know where i could find palm trees anyways here in the Netherlands… When in France last time, i bought a canned version of the palm hearts. It turns out that France is even the biggest importer of this veggie! The things you learn everyday ;0)
Unfortunately i also learned that the complete palm dies when you take out the heart (dude, sound logical i know…). But as an exotic thing just once i had to try it. Please forgive a stupid foodie and her poor excuses.

Let’s get to work!

220 gram canned palm heart (without the water
2-3 tablespoons olive oil
A good twist of some flakey salt and pepper
1  teaspoon of lemon or appelcider vinegar

How do I do it?
Strain the water from the palm heart. Add all ingredients to a high mixer bowl and use a hand blender to mix it all together. Pour it in a serving bowl, add some extra olive oil and cayenne pepper on top. Done!
Enjoy it on your sandwich with more veggies or together with my simple side dish with pasta made of courgette and lemon.

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