Nut- and gluten free quiche with salmon - TASTECELEBRATION
I hate to throw away food! I have even made a daily competition with myself in how I can re-use or make something new with already existing food in my refrigerator. I think it is something I learned from home in my parents restaurant. There is saying from some restaurant chef somewhere that in a restaurant kitchen, just as in your own kitchen, “your profit (or loss) is in your garbage bag”. A lot of truth in that… In general in Europe, we throw away about ~105 kg food per person and year. That means, that from everything that we buy in the supermarket etc, 19 % is immediately meant for the garbage (meaning ~155 euros per person and year)*. Insane! For me, taking care of left-overs and being creative in making something new out of it, is a way of showing respect to the complete food chain – the food itself, distributors and producers. So that’s enough for the bad conscience 😜 on a Sunday. Now, let’s focus on the fun part of this! A few days ago I came up …